Hello and welcome to the designated online gallery of Anthrosphere II. I am Jiayi Lin and is a student at St. George’s School, an independent boarding school in New England. I am currently interested in leveraging modern technologies to connect the humanities with an anthroposphere characterised by exponentially rapid innovation.
We inhabit an extraordinary era in civilisation that is wholly distinct from our precedents. The products of human ingenuity animate every corner of life. The delightful craftsmanship of the Danish chairmaker is summoned to the American home by the gesture of a finger, and the Swiss banker addresses the consultants of Shanghai over the phone on a morning commute. In an accelerating and oscillating global climate, I believe that a robust and comprehensive foundation in the humanities is beneficial to every discipline. Such is an endeavour that must be undertaken jointly by a global network, and one in which I strive to carry the Chinese thread to a global audience.